buffer n. 1.【机械工程】缓冲器,缓冲垫;阻尼器,减震器;消声器。 2.【化学】缓冲,缓冲剂。 3.缓冲者;缓冲物;缓冲国(= buffer state〕。 4.〔计算机〕缓冲存储装置。 oil buffer【机械工程】油压减震器。 vt. 1.【化学】用缓冲剂处理。 2.缓和;缓冲;保护;使不利影响减少。 buffer economy by raising interest rates 以提高利率来保护经济。 The drug buffer-ed his pain. 这剂药减轻了他的病痛。 buffer2 n. 1.【机械工程】抛(光)盘,抛光轮,抛光棒。 2.抛光工人。 n. 1.〔英俚〕无能的人,老派人物。 2.家伙,人。 3.【航海】水手[掌帆]长副手。 He was a bit of buffer. 他有点低能。 an old buffer 老家伙,老糊涂,老朽。
These difficulties do not rule out a buffer stock operation, but they do reduce its chances for success . 这些困难并不意味着不能进行缓冲库存的业务,但是,他们确实减少了成功的机会。
The buffer stock is financed via compulsory contributions from producing countries and voluntary contributions from consuming countries . 缓冲库存所需资金是通过各生产国的强制性认缴和各消费国的自愿认缴来筹集的。
Buffer stock financing facility 缓冲存货资金供应办法
Buffer stock finacing 缓冲库存贷款
Buffer stock agency 缓冲存货机构
Buffer stock scheme 存货缓冲法
This section generalized the functions of inventory , namely , the function of geographical specialization , the function of decoupling , the function of balancing the supply and demand , the function of the buffer stock 第二节介绍了库存控制的重要性。库存有四个基本的功能,即地域专业化、分离功能、平衡供求、不确定因素的缓冲。
Though the building the agricultural speciality , wholesale market it sets up agricultural information service system constructions , agricultural product quality authentication , measure system construction , the system and agriculture of the buffer stock of agricultural product are protected dangerous institutional improvement , sound and perfect rural market system , industry service system 同时,通过农业专业、批发市场的建设,农业信息服务体系建设,农产品质量认证、检测体系建设,农产品缓冲储备体系和农业保险制度建设,来健全和完善的农村市场体系和产业服务体系。